UserDetailsProxy Methods CelloSaaS API Documentation
The UserDetailsProxy type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberActivateUser
Activates the user so that the user can login to system again.
Public methodStatic memberAddUser(UserDetails)
This method is used to create user details. After successful creation of user, mail(Conformation/Password) will be send to user based on the configuration.
Public methodStatic memberAddUser(MembershipDetails, Address, User, String)
This method is used to create user details. After successful creation of user, mail(Conformation/Password) will be send to user based on the configuration.
Public methodStatic memberChangePassword(String, String, String)
This methos is used to change the password
Public methodStatic memberChangePassword(String, String, String, String)
This methos is used to change the password
Public methodStatic memberDeleteUser
Deactivates the user. User cannot login if deactivated.
Public methodStatic memberForceUserPasswordReset
To force the password resetting for the users under a given tenant.
Public methodStatic memberForgotPassword(String)
This method is used to send mail to user with his/her password.Password may be old password or reseted password
Public methodStatic memberForgotPassword(String, String)
This method is used to send mail to user with his/her password. Password may be old password or resetted password
Public methodStatic memberGetAllUserDetailsByTenantId
Get all(both active and inactive) user details for the given tenant Identifier.
Public methodStatic memberGetOnlineUsers
Retuns the currently online users for the given tenant id. Online users are identifier if their last activity time is less than 10 minutes (configurable in appsettings).
Public methodStatic memberGetOnlineUsersCount
Retuns the currently online users count for the given tenant id. Online users are identifier if their last activity time is less than 10 minutes (configurable in appsettings)
Public methodStatic memberGetOnlineUsersCountForTenants
Retuns the currently online users count for the given tenant ids. Online users are identifier if their last activity time is less than 10 minutes (configurable in appsettings).
Public methodStatic memberGetUserCountByTenantId
Public methodStatic memberGetUserCountByTenantIds
Get user counts for tenant Identifiers.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetails
Get user details by user name and company code.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByEmailId
Gets the user details by email id.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByName(String)
Get user details by user name.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByName(String, String)
Get user details by user name and tenant Id.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByTenantId
Get active user details for the given tenant id
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByUserId(String)
Get user details for the given userId
Public methodStatic memberGetUserDetailsByUserId(String, String)
Gets the user details for the given user id and the tenant Id.
Public methodStatic memberGetUserIdByEmailId
Gets the user id by email id. EmailId is unique throughout the system (accross all tenants).
Public methodStatic memberIsUserPasswordForcedForChange
To check whether this membershipid is forced for password reset or not.
Public methodStatic memberLockAllUserAccounts
Locks all user accounts for the given tenant.
Public methodStatic memberLockUserAccounts
Locks the user accounts.
Public methodStatic memberPermanentDeleteUser
Delete the user details from the system
Public methodStatic memberResetPassword(String)
Resets the password for a user.
Public methodStatic memberResetPassword(String, String)
Resets the password for a user.
Public methodStatic memberResetPassword(String, String, String)
Resets the password for a user.
Public methodStatic memberResetPassword( String , String, String)
Resets the password.
Public methodStatic memberResetPassword(String, String, String, String)
Resets the password for a user.
Public methodStatic memberSearchAllUserDetailsInCurrentTenant
Get all user details based on the search value in current tenant.
Public methodStatic memberSearchAllUserDetailsInOtherTenants
Get all user details based on the search value in other tenants
Public methodStatic memberSearchUserDetails(SearchParameters)
Get user details based on the search parameters
Public methodStatic memberSearchUserDetails(SearchParameters, String)
Get user details based on the search parameters
Public methodStatic memberSearchUserDetailsInCurrentTenant
Get active user details by search value in current tenant.
Public methodStatic memberSearchUserDetailsInOtherTenants
Get active user details based on the search value in other tenants
Public methodStatic memberUnLockAllUserAccounts
Un-locks all user accounts for the given tenant
Public methodStatic memberUnLockUserAccounts
This method will set the lock field of the membership table to false and resets the failure attempts column value to zero.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateFirstTimeLogOn
Update the password and security question/answer
Public methodStatic memberUpdatePasswordExpiry
Public methodStatic memberUpdateUser(UserDetails)
Update the given user details.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateUser(MembershipDetails, User, Address)
Update the given user details.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateUserPassword
This service method will update the given user password to new one
Public methodStatic memberUserDetailsBulkInsert
This method is used to insert bulk user details.
Public methodStatic memberUserDetailsBulkUpdate
This method is used to update bulk user details
Public methodStatic memberValidateSecurityAnswer
This method checks the security answer for the given user and updates the failure attempts. If exceeds the maximum allowed number, then it locks the user account.
Public methodStatic memberValidateUser(String, String)
Validates the user login credentials. True if the valid credentials passed else False Primarly used in Forms validation
Public methodStatic memberValidateUser(String, String, String)
Validates the user login credentials. True if the valid credentials passed else False Primarly used in Forms validation
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