IRoleService Members CelloSaaS API Documentation
The IRoleService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRole(Role)
Adds a new role to the system.
Public methodAddRole(Role, String)
Adds a new role to the system.
Public methodAddRole(String, String, String)
Adds a new role to the system.
Public methodAddRole(String, String, String, String)
Adds a new role to the system.
Public methodAddRole(String, String, String,  String )
Adds a new role to the system.
Public methodAddRoles
Adds the given list of roles to the system
Public methodAddUsersToRole( String , String)
Assign role to many users.
Public methodAddUsersToRole( String , String, String)
Assign role to many users.
Public methodAddUserToRoles(String,  String )
Assign many roles to the given user
Public methodAddUserToRoles(String,  String , String)
Assign many roles to the given user
Public methodAddUserToRoles(String,  String , String, String)
Assignes the user to the given roles.
Public methodCopyAllRolesAndPrivilegesFromParent
Copies roles and privileges from Parent tenant
Public methodDeleteRole
Deactivates the specified role in the system.
Public methodDeleteUserRoleAssignedByTenant
Deletes the user role tenant mapping that has been assigned by the role assigning tenant for the userid and the roles
Public methodGetAllDefaultRoles
Get all default global roles defined in the system.
Public methodGetAllGlobalRoleDetails
Get all global role details
Public methodGetAllTenantRoleDetails
Get all roles created by the given tenant
Public methodGetGlobalRoleDetails
Get active global role details
Public methodGetGlobalRolesByTenant
Gets the global roles created by tenant.
Public methodGetRoleDetailsByRoleId
Fetchs the role details for role Identifier
Public methodGetRolesAssignedToUserByTenant
This method is used to gets the roles assigned to user by tenant.
Public methodGetRolesByServiceAdminUser
Gets the roles by service admin user.
Public methodGetRolesByServiceId
Get all roles for the given serviceId
Public methodGetRolesByServiceIds
Get all roles for the given serviceIds
Public methodGetStratifiedTenantAndRolesForUser
Gets the stratified tenant and roles for user. This API call gets the tenants by stratification that this user can manage and then lists all the roles that are assigned for this userid by which tenant and which role
Public methodGetTenantRoleDetails
Get active roles created by the given tenant
Public methodGetUserRoles(String)
Get roles assigned to the given user.
Public methodGetUserRoles(String, String)
Get roles assigned to the given user.
Public methodGetUserRolesForStratifiedTenant
Gets the shared user roles.

This API lists all the roles that this user has with respect to this tenant obtained via sharing and / or stratification

Public methodGetUserRolesForStratifiedTenants
This method is used to gets the user roles for stratified tenant for this user.
Public methodGetUserRolesForTenant(String, String)
Gets the tenant roles for the given user
Public methodGetUserRolesForTenant(String, String, String)
Gets the tenant roles for the given user
Public methodGetUsersCountByRoleIds
Get user counts in the given roles
Public methodGetUsersInRole(String)
Get users for the given role.
Public methodGetUsersInRole(String, String)
Gets the users in the given role.
Public methodGetUsersInRoleByTenantStratification(String, String)
Gets the users in role by tenant stratification.
Public methodGetUsersInRoleByTenantStratification( String , String)
Gets the users in role by tenant stratification.
Public methodGetUsersInRoleByTenantStratification(String, String, String)
Gets the user's who can manage the tasks for the tenant's mapped by the assigned tenant and assigned role
Public methodGetUsersInRoleByTenantStratification( String , String, String)
Gets the userids of the user's to the role assigned by the given role assigned tenant for the stratified tenant with the given roles
Public methodGetUsersInRoles
Get user in the given roles.
Public methodGetUsersInRoleTenantByStratification
Gets the Stratified Tenant Id, User Role pair that can be managed by the given user id based on the roles assigned by the given role assigning tenant identifier
Public methodPermanentDeleteRole
Deletes specified role from the system.
Public methodPermanentDeleteUserRole(String,  String )
Removes the given roles from the user
Public methodPermanentDeleteUserRole(String,  String , String)
Removes the given roles from the user
Public methodSearchAllRolesInCurrentTenant
Search all role details in current tenant
Public methodSearchAllRolesInOtherTenants
Searches all role details in other tenants
Public methodSearchRoleDetails
Searches the role details based on the Search Condition parameters
Public methodSearchRolesInCurrentTenant
Search active role details in current tenant
Public methodSearchRolesInOtherTenants
Searches active role details in other tenants
Public methodUpdateRole(Role, String)
Updates the given role details
Public methodUpdateRole(String, String, String)
Updates the given role details
Public methodUpdateRole(String, String,  String )
Updated the given role with service ids
Public methodUpdateUserRoles(String,  String )
This method is used to update user roles. New role Identifier for user then insert role to user. Previous user role is not available in the current list then remove role from user.
Public methodUpdateUserRoles(String,  String , String)
This method is used to update user roles. New role Identifier for user then insert role to user. Previous user role is not available in the current list then remove role from user.
Public methodUpdateUserRoles(String,  String ,  String )
This method is used to update user roles. New role Identifier for user then insert role to user. Previous user role is not available in the current list then remove role from user.
Public methodUpdateUserRoles(String,  String ,  String , String)
This method is used to update user roles. New role Identifier for user then insert role to user. Previous user role is not available in the current list then remove role from user.
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