ILicenseService Members CelloSaaS API Documentation
The ILicenseService type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivateTenantLicense
Activates the given tenant's subscription by creating new subscription license form last subscription.
Public methodDeactivateTenantLicense
Deactivates the given tenant's subscription by modifying the Validity End Date to now
Public methodGetAllModules
This method is used to get all the module details
Public methodGetAllPackageDetails(String)
Returns all the subscription packages created by the given tenantId
Public methodGetAssignableLicensePackages
This method is used to get all assignable license packages excluding evaluation packages.
Public methodGetFeatureByModuleIds
This method is used to get all the feature details for given module ids
Public methodGetInActiveTenantLicense
This method is used to get last active tenant license
Public methodGetLicenseUsageDetailsByUsageType
This method is used to get the usage details based on the usage type and tenant id
Public methodGetPackageDetails 
This method is used to get active subscription package details.
Public methodGetPackageDetails(String)
This method is used to get active subscription packages created by the given tenantId.
Public methodGetPackageDetailsByPackageId
This method is used to get the package details by package identifier.
Public methodGetTenantLicense
This method is used to get the active tenant subscription license details. Returns TenantLicense object if the tenant has valid license else null if the subscription expires
Public methodGetTenantLicenseHistory
This method is used to get tenant license history details.
Public methodGetUsageByModuleIds
This method is used to get usage details for modules
Public methodGetUsageStatus
Gets the usage status for the given usage name and amount to be incremented. Checks whether the given amount can be incremented without crossing the max capacity limit set in the subscription package.
Public methodInsertPackage
This method is used to insert package details.
Public methodInsertTenantLicense
This method is to insert the license for tenant.
Public methodSearchTenantLicenses
Searches the tenant licenses Key is tenantId, value is TenantLicense
Public methodUpdatePackage
This method is used to update the package details.
Public methodUpdateTenantLicense
Updates the given tenant's subscription license
Public methodValidateModuleLicense
Validates the tenant subscription package whether it contains the given module name.
Public methodValidateTenantLicense
Validates the tenant subscription package. Returns "true" If the validatity end date is greater than now (current datetime) else "false"
Public methodValidateUsageLicense
This method is used to validate license for usage limit of tenant.
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